Sunday, November 23, 2014

What? More Christmas Ornaments!

Bright ideas!  I had to mention the fact that we haven't had a Christmas tree up for years since we are always gone.  This year we'll only be gone three weeks in Mazatlan.   Well, the secret closet was opened and look what poured out!  Yikes.   When we first bought the house 13 years ago we had vaulted ceilings throughout the hose but we put in ceilings in the bathrooms, closets and laundry.  We took advantage and put small attics in each bathroom. 

You can't even see the bed there is so many ornaments and the tree in the box standing on end.  

I couldn't believe all the stuff that came out of that little opening.  I see it all the time but never paid much attention to it.   We have sold and given away lots of stuff over the last year, I mean a lot of stuff emptying out the house for that special day.    So now we have a lot of ornaments to give away.  But wait, didn't we do this four years ago when we started the big family Christmas party?  We gave each person an ornament, so that was about 70 "special" ornaments.  I don't brag about anything but they really were very nice ornaments that we had bought over the years.   I guess it wasn't clear when we said, "get rid of Christmas ornaments".  
The tree is being put up now and we are listening to Christmas music.  Early, maybe, but I always like Christmas and listen to Christmas music throughout the year.  Too many wonderful memories.   

Expect Christmas tree pictures this week.   BTW,  an rving couple will be coming tomorrow.  Bonnie and her husband will stay in Allende for a couple of days we will show them around before they head south. 


  1. Looking forward to the tree and lights - we love that stuff - miss it when we are down south. Doesn't matter that it is a bit early!

  2. Love the lights and music of the season, even on the beach. Bring some lights to string around your RV to make it more festive.

  3. What a stash of Christmas decorations you have.... you'll have to post photos of the "end results" when you finish decorating. We haven't had a Christmas tree in years so I especially love seeing our friends and families celebrations... except it does make me a bit homesick.
